Physical Education

  • Physical education will be the environment where students learn, practice, and are assessed on developmentally appropriate motor skills, social skills, and knowledge. Lexington One schools will follow state standards for physical education in our instruction. Physical education will include the instruction of individual activities as well as competitive and non-competitive team sports to encourage life-long physical activity.

    The goal of this policy is to provide an environment that promotes health and wellness in the areas of nutrition and physical activity by doing the following contingent upon state funding.

    • Students in grades K-8 will be provided the appropriate amount of physical education and physical activity as required by law and based on the current state standards.
    • Adequate equipment will be available for all students to participate in physical education.
    • Schools will administer the SC Physical Education Assessment (FitnessGram) in physical education classes in grades two, five, eight, and high school to assess PE standards and program effectiveness.
    • A report on an individual student's fitness status obtained from the SC Physical Education Assessment will be reported to his/her parent/legal guardian during the student's fifth, eighth, and high school physical education courses.
    • Physical activity will be integrated across curricula and throughout the school day as appropriate; movement can be made part of the core curricula.
    • A daily recess/physical activity time in elementary schools will be provided, which is not used as a punishment.
    • Physical activity facilities on school grounds will be safe.

    Each elementary school will specify a physical education teacher as the physical education activity director to plan, coordinate, and report on opportunities for additional physical activity for students to exceed the designated physical education instruction time. Information will be provided to families to help them incorporate physical activity into their children's lives.

    If you have any questions or comments about the physical education curriculum in Lexington County School District One, please contact:

    Dena Fender
    Science, Health and Physical Education Coordinator