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Our Mission:
To guide all students to learn, grow and excel.


Lexington District One serves more than 26, 000 students from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12 with more than 4,400 employees (not including substitutes) and 32 schools (18 elementary schools, eight middle schools, five high schools, one technology center). The district also offers an early college program, an adult education program and an alternative education services program. The 360 square miles that make up Lexington One stretch from the banks of Lake Murray to the county’s southern border with Aiken County. Our district occupies 48% percent of the county’s 699 square miles and is one of the county’s major employers. Lexington One students and employees receive recognition year after year for excellence in academics, athletics, fine arts, community service and more.

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Our Five Year



95%  of our graduates to be college, career or military ready
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95%  of our students on track to graduate
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An increasing number of middle and elementary school students scoring at or above grade level
report card

BY JUNE 2027

we want the Lexington One Way to be shaped by the

Graduate Profile


Key Actions

  • Aligning budget priorities to strategic plan
  • Developing and refining district standard operating procedures
  • Completing revisions of board policies
  • Implementing recommendations of facilities study
  • Implementing instructional technology plan


Academic Excellence and Acceleration of Learning

By implementing the Lexington One Graduate Profile and the Instructional Framework, Lexington One will challenge and support all students to excel.

Positive Climate and School Experience

Lexington One will create a positive and supportive culture that empowers employees to model and students to develop the Lexington One Graduate Profile attributes.

Stewardship of Resources to Support Learning

In order to serve students well, Lexington One will prioritize strategies for the use of resources including talent, time, facilities, finances, and technology.


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