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Visual and Performing Arts — Where Creativity Takes Center Stage


Lexington County School District One is dedicated to fostering a vibrant arts program that empowers students. Our Visual and Performing Arts curriculum provides a world-class learning experience, designed to support student achievement, success, and social-emotional development.

Aligned with the South Carolina Graduate profile, our programs delve into the artistic processes of creating, producing, performing, presenting, responding, and connecting. Through these experiences, students develop:

  • Critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • The ability to reflect on their own work and the work of others
  • Effective communication skills
  • Global perspectives through exploration of art in history and culture
  • Self-discipline and dedication

South Carolina College and Career Ready Standards for Visual and Performing Arts form the foundation of our program, guiding students in setting goals, self-assessing, and achieving continuous progress.

Lexington One boasts a team of talented and dedicated educators who ignite a passion for the arts in students at all grade levels. We collaborate with other Lexington One content areas to ensure students have a well-rounded educational experience that fosters lifelong learning.

Do you know that around 80% of our students participate in some type of arts at school?

Chris Bussell

Chris Bussell

Visual and Performing Arts Coordinator

Arts education in our district is unparalleled because of the tremendous talent, passion and dedication of our teachers and students. The continued support of our school board and community partners provides our students excellent arts education and opportunities in Lexington One.