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Dual-Language Immersion

Dual-language immersion (also known as partial immersion and one-way immersion) is a means of acquiring a world language through content matter instruction. In the program, students develop communicative and academic proficiency in the target language while succeeding academically in all subject areas at levels comparable to those they would have reached if they had been schooled only in English.

The immersion program is a K-12 experience.  For the requirements to be recognized as an Immersion Graduate at high school graduation, please reference the Immersion Completer Guidelines.

Immersion programs are the fastest growing and most effective type of foreign language program currently available in U.S. schools. Most immersion students can be expected to reach higher levels of second language proficiency than students in other school-based language programs (Met, 1998). Becoming bilingual opens the door to communication with more people in more places, and many parents want to provide their children with skills to interact competently in an increasingly interdependent world community.

Goals (ABCs)

Click Here to Apply
for Immersion

OPENS FEBRUARY 24, 2025 at 4:00 p.m.

Immersion Information Handout

Parent Agreements for Immersion


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