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In Lexington County School District One, the school library is a cornerstone of each student’s educational experience, a welcoming and collaborative space that is accessible and inclusive to all. 

Our school libraries are staffed by state-certified school librarians and assistants who are knowledgeable, passionate, and welcoming guides committed to providing exemplary customer service. Library staff serve as role models in developing a lifelong passion for reading and exploration through their love for books and learning.

Our school library collections are designed to be age and developmentally appropriate, diverse, educationally suitable, and current. Our organized, easily accessible collections are standards-based to support the curriculum while also appealing to all readers with high-interest materials in various formats. Additionally, library instruction is informed by library and curriculum standards and best practices and is designed to be engaging, purposeful, and relevant.

We invite you to visit your child’s school library website linked below and reach out to your child’s school librarian if you have questions about library programs or the collection. Our librarians love to partner with families.