• Hello Mariners! 
    The school nurse gives medication, administers first aid, assesses students for illness, assists with other needs, and performs vision and hearing screenings.  The school nurse does not treat injuries received outside of the school or diagnose medical conditions.  Please remember that if you are called by the school nurse to pick up your child, you should do so in a timely manner.   Minor injuries will be assessed and treated accordingly by the nurse and a parent will not always be called. If you wish to be notified each time your student comes to the health room, no matter the reason for the visit, please let Nurse Charlene know.  

    Our district has established these guidelines in order to prevent the spread of illnesses. For the well being of all of our students, students will be sent home and should remain at home for any of the following symptoms:

    • Fever* of 100 degrees or higher within the past 24 hours
    • Severe nasal discharge that is not clear in color.
    • Any drainage with redness in the eyes.
    • Any communicable disease (chicken pox, strep throat, stomach virus, head lice, etc..)
    • Rash or skin eruption with fever that has not been diagnosed
    • Vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours
    • Any signs of severe illness – lethargy, irritability, difficult breathing.

    * A child is still considered febrile (feverish) even if on fever reducing meds such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen.  These meds bring the fever down, but the child is still contagious.  A child should be completely fever free for 24 hours without medication in order to return to school.  If your child is sent home with fever, he or she cannot come back to school the next day.  If this occurs, you will be called to pick him/her up as soon as possible.

    Medication Policy

    In order to accommodate your child’s medical needs, and ensure the safety of all students, parents should not send medication on the school bus.  Students found with medication on the bus are referred to the school office.  The school nurse cannot send medication home by school bus.  Parents must bring all medicine (prescription and non-prescription / over the counter) to the health room or main office and bring / complete a consent form in order for the medication to be given at school.  Prescription medications must have the doctor’s signature on the medication consent form.  Medications given only once a day in the morning should be given at home prior to coming to school.  Federal law states that prescription medications can only be given as prescribed by the physician on the label.  Non-prescription / Over the Counter medications must be administered per label directions.  The school does not supply any medication for students.

     School Administration of Prescription and Non-Prescription Medication Form– Please print, fill out the form, and bring it to the health room or school office with the child’s medication.  The medication must be in the original container.  The medication consent form must be signed by a physician.

    Immunization Policy– State law requires that the school have a copy of an up-to-date immunization record for each child that is attending our school.


    Thank you for your help in keeping our school’s children healthy.

    Charlene L. Kneece, RN, BSN

    School Nurse 
    Lake Murray Elementary School
    Telephone 803-821-3123 or 803-821-3124
    Fax  803-756-3845
    Nurse Charlene