Conducting Research
The district reviews research proposals in August, December and May.
Lexington County School District One encourages research to improve day-to-day educational practices or to contribute to the body of research for the field of education.
As the article titled “Action Research in Education: Addressing Gaps in Ethical Principles and Practices” by Amanda L. Nolen and Jim Vander Putten, which appeared in Educational Researcher, 36(7), pp. 401–407 in 2007, states, “When discussing action research, one must distinguish between joint projects, conducted by a school and an academic researcher, and truly indigenous, insider projects, conducted by a teacher or administrator within a school.”
Therefore, teachers may gather and analyze data at any time if the data is being used solely for the improvement of their own professional practice and if the collection of such data would be part of ordinary instructional procedures for their own students. Any research that goes beyond individual use that is exclusively for improvement of professional practice requires district approval.
In addition, Lexington County School District One accommodates researchers from outside the district whenever their proposals meet district criteria. The district requires that educational research projects conform to ethical standards. Therefore, the district requires researchers, including its own employees, to obtain written parent and/or student permission when using student data and/or work samples in class presentations, academic papers, conference presentations, publications, and similar activities.