Phone: 803-821-3819


Degrees and Certifications:

Michael Stratton

Science Teacher 

Athletic Director

My name is Michael Stratton, and I guide students through the exciting World of Science where ideas are tested and concepts become reality! Our journey this year will take us through a study of the Physical Sciences of Weather and Energy, then we’ll move into the Life Sciences of Organisms. I am also the LMS Athletic Director and Head Boy's Basketball coach.

My heart and passion is for my family: my wife, Kandace, who teaches EAGLE at OGES. My son, Noah, is an industrial engineer at Michelin here in Lexington, and my daughter Hayli, a wedding planner in Charleston, SC. We love the outdoor activities of camping, hiking, and tubing down rapids. We are avid fans of the show “Survivor” and would love the opportunity to test our skills.

Personally, I love coaching and working with young people in Athletic Sports and outdoor adventures like hunting and fishing. Action Heroes and Sci-Fi Movies are some of my favorites too.