Coffee with the School Counselors

Coffee with Counselors

Each month, the NPE School Counselors will host a morning program called "Coffee with the School Counselors" for parents on a topic that is relevant to elementary school. Topics will include Bullying, Anxiety, Relationship Building, Mindfulness, Confidence/Self-Esteem, Homework Tips, Anger Management, and Internet Safety. All parents are welcome to attend these meetings which last about 30 minutes and assorted coffee and treats are provided."Coffee with the Counselors" is designed to not only provide parents with information and resources but we aim to help parents develop a support network. We recognize that many parents have similar questions regarding how to navigate through their child's elementary school years and our program is a great venue to meet other parents who share common experiences.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our School Counseling Team
Kayleigh Chaney -
Page Jordan -
Davis Shaver -