Our Procedures

  • Students are required to sign in and out through the attendance office. If signing in or out causes a student to miss more than 30 minutes of a particular class, the student will be counted absent for that class and a written excuse will be required as per the attendance procedures.

    Early Dismissal Procedures:

    No student will be permitted to leave school during the school day unless a parent/guardian or other approved person comes to school for the student or unless prior arrangements have been made with the principal If the nurse initiates contact with a parent and the parent asks for early dismissal, the nurse may release the student to the parent’s designee. If the parent wants the student to drive himself/herself home, the nurse may sign the student out on the parent’s authority only if the child’s condition does not pose a threat to driving safety. In all such situations, the nurse should carefully document the conversation. 

    Emergency Dismissal

    In case of a school or district-wide emergency such as inclement weather, bus problems, etc., students will only be released to persons identified by the parent or guardian. A form is available in the main office that shows those allowed to pick up students. Adults or student drivers may be identified on the list. Persons picking up students must produce a driver’s license for identification. Students will not be released by phone to parents or guardians. Only persons who come to the school will be allowed to check out students. If a student rides with another student to or from school, it is critical that the driver’s name be on the rider’s list in order to be released to that driver – provided the parent of the driver releases him/her for dismissal. This procedure will be used only in case of emergencies. It does not take the place of the normal sign-out procedures.